进入西雅图太平洋神学院学习是一个双向的过程. You, the applicant, must determine whether SPS offers the kind of theological education and spiritual formation appropriate to your vocational objectives. 你可以通过研究赌博十大靠谱软件的宣传材料来做到这一点, 赌博十大靠谱软件(如果可能), 通过与赌博十大靠谱软件的教师交谈, staff, and students, 通过祈求上帝的指引, 通过咨询值得信赖的精神顾问.
Conversely, the SPS Admissions Committee must determine whether you are spiritually and academically prepared to succeed in one of our programs. We do so by carefully and prayerfully studying your application materials and by assessing how your gifts, graces, 和天职感符合神学院的使命和精神. We admit women and men who can demonstrate a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ, 对宣告上帝统治的承诺, 在硕士水平的学术工作中取得成功的能力, and an emotional and spiritual readiness to undertake graduate theological study.
要被考虑进入神学硕士课程,你必须 apply online. Find the help you need with the admissions process of the program of your choice through Graduate Admissions.
如果你是国际学生, also refer to 国际研究生信息 赌博十大靠谱软件额外入学要求.
除了满足SPU研究生入学的一般要求, 你需要提供以下特定于西雅图太平洋神学院的物品:
- 你的职业目标.
- 叙述你个人的基督教经历. 在你的个人陈述中,你可以考虑反思这些人.g.、父母、牧师、朋友、老师)、机构(例如.g.,学校,教会,事工),和/或“山顶体验”(如.g., retreats, conferences, 改变人生的对话)对你的属灵成长影响最大.
- 你申请学位和选择西雅图太平洋神学院的理由.
- 其他你认为合适的见解.
赌博十大靠谱软件要求你提供两个人的推荐信, 他们俩都很了解你, 但以不同的身份, and who can therefore speak to different aspects of your preparedness for the challenges of graduate theological education.
- 精神/情感上的准备: 这封信应该是牧师写的, 教会职员, chaplain, 基督教辅助专业, youth leader, 圣经学习小组组长或大学宗教教授. 它应该描述你的基督教信仰的深度, 你的生活方式就证明了这一点, 为邻居服务, 并参与基督教社区(当地教会)的事工, 基督教辅助组织, chapel program, etc.).
- 学术准备: This letter should be from a former college professor who knows your academic work well and can describe your intellectual curiosity and your skills in research, writing, critical thinking, problem-solving, and time management. 如果你拿不到前任教授的信, a letter from an employer or manager who can address these matters will be accepted with approval from the Seminary Director, Ashley Skinner Creek (skinnera3@yrenglish.com); in such cases, an interview may be required. You may request permission to submit an alternative letter of reference by emailing seminary@yrenglish.com.
Transfer credits
If you wish to apply graduate-level coursework completed at a regionally accredited university or an ATS-accredited divinity school or seminary toward your MDiv program, 你必须提供正式成绩单和成绩单, in some cases, course syllabi. 你可以从其他研究生课程中转学最多36个学分. 获得转学分:
- 每门课程必须至少有三个研究生学分 相当于西雅图太平洋神学院的课程.
- 每门课程都将根据具体情况进行考虑 至于具体课程要求的实现.
- 最低成绩为“B” 是否需要转移工作.
- 所有课程都适用于研究生学位 必须在入学后七年内参加考试吗.
- The final 36 MDiv credits 在任何情况下都必须在SPU进行.
学生可以申请西雅图太平洋神学院秋季入学, Winter, and Spring quarters, 并在夏季学期开始, 尽管大多数学生选择在秋季学期开始他们的课程.
- Autumn Quarter: July 31
- Winter Quarter: November 15
- Spring Quarter: February 15
- Summer Sessions: May 1
You may take up to nine credits of graduate theology courses as a non-degree student, if you:
- 拥有地区认可的学院或大学的学士学位.
- 向西雅图太平洋神学院办公室填写一份简短的申请表.
- 获得神学院院长或副院长的许可.
联系西雅图太平洋神学院 seminary@yrenglish.com 咨询电话:206-281-2342.